Patagonia/Sonoita/Parker Canyon Lake with Kathe Anderson

By Maricopa Audubon Society (other events)

Wed, Feb 5 2025 6:30 AM MST Thu, Feb 6 2025 5:30 PM MST

Wednesday/Thursday overnight, Feb 5/6

This will be two full days of birding to and from Sonoita and Patagonia, where we'll probably stay at the Stage Stop Inn. We’ll start early on Wednesday, stopping at Sweetwater Wetlands and Las Cienegas National Conservation Area on the way there, have lunch in Sonoita, and continue onto Patagonia to visit Patons and possibly one other stop before dinner. On Thursday, we'll head to Parker Canyon Lake. There may be other stops on the way home, depending on the route, timing and energy! Sonoita and Patagonia should get us a nice variety of grassland birds, as well as whatever is showing up at Patons' feeders. Parker Canyon Lake is new territory - so it'll be a surprise. Expenses include several meals, lodging at Stage Stop Inn, donations to Patons, other possible entry fees and gas.

Time: Start in Scottsdale about 6:30am on Wednesday and wrap up Thursday about 5pm in Scottsdale. Carpooling and other logistics will be determined a few days before the trip.

Limit: 7.

Difficulty: 2-3. Long days, plenty of walking.

Leader: Kathe Anderson