Box Bar Recreation Areas with Torin Waters

By Maricopa Audubon Society (other events)

Wednesday, February 12 2025 7:15 AM 10:00 AM MST

This is a beautiful spot along the Verde River with riparian stands of Willows, Cottonwoods, and Mesquites. Bald Eagles nest in this area, and we have a good chance of seeing them. Verdins, Ruby-crowned Kinglets and Yellow-rumped Warblers are a sure thing here; less predictable is what uncommon species might be mixing into their flocks. Common Mergansers might be seen floating on the flowing river. 

A Tonto Recreation Pass is required to park here.

Limit: 20

Difficulty: 2 (no change in elevation, but may require walking on uneven, rocky terrain at times. 2-3 miles distance).

Leader: Torin Waters